Sunday, October 21, 2012

Nicole-Wade-Photography Red-Deer-Newborn-Photographer

Well It has been an roller coaster week. A dear friend of mine that I grew up with since about the age of 4 passed away suddenly and left behind a wonderful husband and a little boy. 
It just reminds me of how precious time is.
How precious memories are.
How precious photos are.

I am so thankful for the images over the years that I have of myself and Julia. It is great therapy to go through the albums and remember all the great times we shared. 

The great part of the week was that my sweet niece was born! My sister had been going crazy {3rd baby} with no sleep at night and crazy contractions almost every night. Well she texted me at 4:15 am that she was headed to the hospital and at 5:55 a.m. my mom texted me that she had had a precious baby girl! I guess all those nights of contractions had payed off with a sweet delivery!

Over the past year photos have become even more dear to my heart as I have lost many special people in my life. I was so thrilled today when Jo came over so I could capture some memories of Paislee.



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